It seems that if art begins to preclude entertainment, and artists reject certain kinds of critical stances, then artists themselves must assume a political/social responsibility. This does not have to mean mass approachability --but it would seem to preclude certain aspects of 'art for art's sake' in favour of some socially commensurable knowledge.

-> Art community 37; Art criticism 39, 41, 44; Artists 47, 48; Ideology 170; Proceeding 290, 291, 293; Responsibility 311; Work 405;

& Anthropology 25; Art 31, 32; Art enquiry 46; Art world 55; Collaboration 92, 94; Conversational matrix 118; Ideology 172; Intersubjectivity 188; Knowledge 189; Learning 212, 216, Myth244, 245; Painting 255; Philosophy 265; Stylistics 331; Translation 367; Work 384, 385, 389, 390; Work, introduction of 406;

312 | 313 | 314