There is something silly about creating 'categorically ambiguous' art and deliberately leaving the ambiguities unresolved. Is this in order to give aestheticians trouble? How Sixties can you get'. You become a more significant artist in proportion to how ambiguous a borderline case you invent (ho-hum).

-> Ambiguity 16; Certainty 84; Formalization 134; Learning 213; Opportunism 246, 248, 249; Opportunistic A & L 251; Problematic 284, 285; Radical 303; Thesaurus 353;

& Ambiguity 9; Art-criticism 44; Blik 74, 75; Conversational matrix 117; Falsification 132; Meaning 237; Stylistic 331; Translation 363; Work 390;

14 | 15 | 16