

÷ Exhibition Opening :: Symbiosis. 1.5 Tons of Global Entanglement ::

The art project "Symbiosis" deals with the worldwide problem of small arms. The objects are revealed as disabled small arms from the Burundi civil war, which have been repurposed as exhibits. From a distance, the serial character of the objects makes visible the industrial dimension of weapons production. Seen close up, however, a completely different picture is created: each exhibit tells its own "story," the threads of which run together from various wars and from their use as tools of death. [more]

[Installation opening at the ZKM_Museum Balcony | Fri Nov 4, 2011 | 8 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Festival Radio Play Days :: ARD Hörspieltage ::

From November 9 to 13 the "ARD Radio Play Days − A Festival for the Radio Play" are presenting many variations of sound art at the ZKM | Karlsruhe and the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design. Thousands of visitors are expected to attend the largest German-language event centered on radio plays and sound art. The festival’s core event is the "ARD German Radio Play Prize". Special Highlights such as live radio play "Winnetou I", radio play night "Jules Verne" and "Dickie Dick Dickens" or the radio play day for children on sunday are awaiting grown-ups as well as small visitors. The accompanying program for the ARD Radio Play Days offers concerts, lectures, and [more].

[At ZKM | Karlsruhe | Wed−Sun Nov 9−13, 2011 | free admission to all events − except SWR2 Studio-Brettl]


÷ Award Ceremony :: Giga-Hertz-Prize 2011 and Walter-Fink-Prize of the ZKM ::

In the context of the IMATRONIC−Festival, the Giga-Hertz Prize of 2011 and the Walter-Fink- Prize of ZKM will be awarded. The prizes go to innovative thinkers in the field of music and dance. Pierre Boulez will be awarded the Giga-Hertz Main Prize for his influential work. This year’s Walter Fink Prize for Electroacoustic Music, Dance, and Media goes to the Canadian duo Mireille Leblanc and Åke Parmerud. The awards ceremony, with renowned presenters from the fields of art and politics, is surrounded by excellent concerts, among others by EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO of the SWR as well as by award winners of 2010 and 2011. [more]

[at ZKM | Karlsruhe | Sat Nov 26, 2011 | from 7 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Photo Competition :: ME AND MY CAR ::

With the invention of the automobile 125 years ago by Carl Benz the dream of individual mobility came true. Meanwhile the physical appearance of cars and their drivers have changed essentially. Only how? As part of the exhibition "CAR CULTURE. Media of Mobility" the online photo competition ME AND MY CAR explores this issue and is looking for recent and older photos of cars with their drivers. Participating photos will be published in the online gallery on the exhibition website and a free one-day rental for two people of an E-bike by EnBW is awaiting its winners. [more]

[Deadline Jan 15, 2012 |]


÷ Exhibition :: Hiroshi Kawano. The Philosopher at the Computer ::

The Japanese philosopher Hiroshi Kawano is one of the most important pioneers in the conquest of computer technology for the arts. As early as September 1964, Kawano published the first designs he had calculated with the aid of the OKITAC 5090A computer at the University of Tokyo. The ZKM is dedicating a first retrospective to his work. The exhibition comprises numerous works and documents which have never before been presented outside Japan, and draws on the rich Hiroshi-Kawano-Archive located at the ZKM since 2010. [more]

[An exhibition at the ZKM | Media Museum | until Jan 8, 2012]


÷ Exhibition :: Sensor. Time for Young Approaches :: Alicja Kwade ::

The exhibition series "Sensor. Time for Young Approaches" shows works at short intervals by young artists from collections cooperating with the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art – either as single presentations or in dialog. The exhibition is to be opened with a solo exhibition by Alicja Kwade from the Christian Boros Collection. In her sculptures, installations and photographs Kwade changes and manipulates the physical properties of materials, thereby evoking the surprise effects which disconcert the value we place on experience, our attitudes and our viewing habits. [more]

[An exhibition at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art | until Jan 8, 2012]


÷ Exhibition :: CAR CULTURE. Media of Mobility ::

The ZKM | Media Museum presents the exhibition "CAR CULTURE. Media of Mobility" on the theme of mobility in a two-fold sense: on the one hand the material and physical mobility of the body by means of the car, while, on the other, the immaterial mobility of signs by telegraphy and telephone, through radio and television and, above all, through the Internet. The ZKM exhibits artistic reflections regarding global mobility and the interface of informational and bodily mobility. It is with the mobility of the car – the mobility of the self – that the era of individual mobilization begins. [more]

[At exhibition at the ZKM | Media Museum | Prolonged until Jan 29, 2012]
[Catalog available here]


÷ Exhibition :: Sound Art @ Het Apollohuis ::

The archive exhibition is a dedication to almost two decades of the work of "Het Apollohuis", based in Eindhoven (Netherlands). It was here that artists were presented in numerous exhibitions and installations, performances and concerts, and where art-theoretical debates were carried out in the years between 1980 and 1997. The house was to become an important center of the avant-garde in art and music under the directorship of its founders Paul und Hélène Panhuysen. [more]

[An exhibition and CD-presentation at the ZKM_Media Lounge | Prolonged until Jan 29, 2012]
[The CD is available here]


÷ Exhibition :: The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989 ::

What can art say about the globalized present? And in what ways does globalization change art? Based on artistic positions and documentary analyses, the exhibition "The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989" shows the effect of globalisation on contemporary art, the conditions of its production, and possibilities of its diffusion and dissemination and presence. [more]
Art in a global context raises questions rather than answering them. Join the discussion and visit the [Blog].

[An exhibition at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art | until Feb 5, 2012]
[Publications of the corresponding project "Global Art and the Museum" available here]


÷ Exhibition :: Digital Art Works. The Challenges of Conservation ::

The exhibition "Digital Art Works. The Challenges of Conservation" at the ZKM | Media Museum fundamentally explores questions related to collecting, exhibiting, and maintaining computer-based art works and makes the work concerning digital conservation visible. Embedded in the didactic supporting program, the art works themselves will stand at the center: classics such as Nam June Paik's "Internet Dream" or Jeffrey Shaw's "The Legible City" will be available to visitors of the exhibition as will be the latest computer hackings by the Dutch artist duo Jodi, or the diagram poetry by the French Antoine Schmitt. [more]

[An exhibition at the ZKM | Media Museum | until Feb 12, 2012]


÷ Exhibition :: The Hirsch-Index. The Art of Quotation ::

The exhibition The Hirsch-Index. "The Art of Quotation" at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art investigates the ways in which artistic creativity and strategies of artists have evolved over the foregoing decades. What happens to earlier artistic, social or political ideas and objectives which connoted or still connote the work of art? As part of the discourse on the claim to originality of works of art and the role of the author, numerous exhibitions took place during the 1970s that dealt with such topics as the original, the after-image, the quote and the copy. In view of a flood of images and the simultaneous intensification of the use of quotation in contemporary art, a new look into this theme seems essential and reasonable. [more]

[An exhibition at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art | until April 29, 2012]


÷ ZKM-workshops | educational program (selection) ::

"Graffiti_Rob": In this workshop robots made of Lego bricks will be arranged in a way so that they are able to paint like graffiti artists. The robots are able to collect data and transform them into drawing movements. The finished graffiti will be photographed and can be taken home. [Graffiti_Rob | from 8 years | Sat/Sun Nov 05./06, 2011 | 11 a.m.−4 p.m. | 50€]

"Weihnachtslieder remixen": The participants produce new versions of Christmas carols: "Silent Night" in drum 'n' bass or "Leise rieselt der Schnee" as rock ballad. The songs will be recorded and remixed with the computer program "Ableton Live".
[Weihnachtslieder remixen | from 12 years | Sun Nov 27, 2011 | 11 a.m.−5 p.m. | 42/30€]

Registration at workshops(at) The entire program of the ZKM | Museum Communication can be found here: guided tours, workshops, and further education.


÷ Lecture :: Personal Computer − 30 years PC ::

The personal computer has transformed office work entirely; and yet the way in which one informs one’s self in professional or private life. With the aid of functioning exhibits Boris Jakubaschk traces the emergence of the first IBM PC and which of its predecessors and successors decisively influenced its development. The lecture is part of the accompanying program of the exhibition "Digital Art Works. The Challenges of Conservation" at the ZKM | Media Museum. [more]

[At ZKM_Lecture Hall | Thurs Nov 03, 2011 | 6 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Final presentation "Biennalist" project :: Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel: Biennalist ::

When a big international exhibition opens under a discursive-poetic title that is supposed to convey its relation to politics and life, this is only rarely to be seen as a guideline and only sometimes as a correct description of the exhibited art. Thierry Geoffroy questions, what really lies behind a claim or the decision of a curator. As part of "The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989" previous projects of "Biennalist" will be presented as retrospective. [more]

[At ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, studio, 1st floor | Fri Nov 04, 2011 | 7 p.m. | admission free]


÷ CD-Presentation :: Luc Ferrari ::

Like other earlier radio plays by Ferrari, "JETZT" – as a radio play about the radio play – is a special instance between music, radiophone art and narrative radio play. The humorous dialogue between Luc Ferrari and his wife Brunhild Ferrari, between the languages of German and French, but also between the various stages of the radio play is unique and characteristic. He artistically, playfully and intelligently placed these heterogeneous materials within a dialog structure. The CD-presentation is part of the ARD Radio Play Days. [more]

[At ZKM_Cube | Thurs Nov 10, 2011 | 9 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Film :: Faust Sonnengesang ::

The three-hour film poem by Werner Fritsch "Faust Sonnengesang" as part of the ARD Radio Play Days portraits "frenzied dashes of wild colors and idyllic natural images, of wonderful music and powerful lyricism, which, among others is flawlessly recited by star actors such as Corinna Harfouch, Angela Winkler and Ulrich Matthes." (Spiegel Online) [more]

[At ZKM_Media Theater | Fri Nov 11, 2011 | 1 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Concert :: Klangdom ::

Compositions with spatial and conceptual depth of field are set to be staged in the spatial and auditory scenario of the Klangdom that comprises 47 loudspeakers. The premier showing of the electro-acoustic work for the Klangdom "Radio-aktiv", by British composer Leigh Landy throws a humorous glance at the radio world with no ifs and buts, and samples recordings by German broadcasters. Afterwards, the three award-winning pieces of the announcement sound for the first time "Ferrari (r)écouté", followed by "The 50 sculptures of the 'Institut fuer Feinmotorik'", a production of the Südwestrundfunk. The Klangdom-Concert is part of the ARD Radio Play Days. [more]

[At ZKM_Cube | Sat Nov 12, 2011 | 6 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Dance Festival :: TEMPEL ::

Developments in the field of dance are always world affairs as well and vice versa. During the 11. international Dance Festival, organized by Kulturzentrum Tempel in cooperation with Tanztribüne, experiences from dancers all around the world mingle and thereby become a unique experience. Three dance performances of the TEMPEL Dance Festival take place at the ZKM_Media Theater:

Nov 16, 2011 | Compagnie Adrien M − Cinématique [more]
Nov 18, 2011 | Hiroaki Umeda − While Going to a Condition und Holistic Strata [more]
Nov 20, 2011 | Theater Pforzheim − Das kalte Herz [The Cold Heart] [more]

[At ZKM_Media Theater | 8.30 p.m. | 19.30 € (advanced booking) 21 € (box office)]


÷ Discussion :: IMA | lab No.7 ::

Rita Torres, currently guest researcher from Portugal at the ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustic will be presenting her new project "The microphone as a compositional element". It is centered around multiphonics and upper bi-tones on the classical guitar. By using different microphones or positions and guitarists or guitars, it aims at investigating the palette of sonorities they offer when amplified, and divulging the results to the scientific community. [more]

[At ZKM_Lecture Hall | Thurs Nov 17, 2011 | 6 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Performance :: Erika & Javier: El Peso de la Memoria (The Weight of Memory) ::

The Guaraní people are one of the more widespread indigenous groups in South America. Reduced to slavery during the Spanish colonial period, they have been long targets of persecution. If a society’s collective memory is part of what shapes its present identity, Erika & Javier remind us of the obsolete nature of "the Other" as an anthropological category. A performance in Guaraní and Spanish. [more]

[At ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, studio, 1st floor | Fri Nov 18, 2011 | 7 p.m. | admission free]


÷ Performance :: LOCAL & TEMPORARY (3) ::

As part of the exhibition "The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds After 1989" the artists Andreas Arndt, Jürgen Galli, Max Kosoric, and Sanne Pawelzyk present a series of events under the title LOCAL & TEMPORARY. Every third Friday of the month a group will perform their evening program at alternating locations of the city to which they will also invite other artists. The precise place, time and name of all those participating as well as further information on the evenings will be announced on the [website] of the exhibition. [more]

[Fri Nov 18, 2011 | admission free]

÷ Festival of Electronic Music :: IMATRONIC ::

The IMATRONIC Festival, hosted by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics (IMA) is the largest festival of electronic music in Germany that presents and awards current young developments. Besides the awarding of the Giga-Hertz-Prize 2011 and the Walter-Fink-Prize of the ZKM for dance, electro acustic music and medien, this year's special focus is the presentation of Iannis Xenakis. Dedicated to this visionary composer will be an exhibition and a symposium, as well as a concert evening in the context of "Piano+". The pianist Catherine Vickers is curator of the concert series "Piano+" which, in four concerts, presents central positions of contemporary piano composition. [more]

[At ZKM | Karlsruhe | Wed−Sun Nov 23−27, 2011 | free admission to all events except concerts (9/6€)]


÷ Film :: rememberemember. Wilson's − Waco − Watermill − World ::

On the occasion of Robert Wilson's 70th birthday the ZKM | Karlsruhe will be presenting the world premiere of the film "rememberemember. Wilson's − Waco − Watermill − World". The film directed by filmmaker Sacha Goldman portraits the artistic world of the theater and opera director and media artist. Through his numerous exhibitions, projects as well as through his position as administrator of the American artist Paul Thek, Robert Wilson is closely connected to the ZKM. [more]

[At ZKM_Media Theater | Sun Nov 27, 2011 | 7 p.m. | admission free]

÷ Lecture :: Introduction to the long-term storage of digital images ::

A data record cannot be considered without auxiliary means. There are many losses, and the images that have survived are models for present-day strategies for the long-term archiving of data. The lecture by Sven Schönauer is part of the accompanying program of the exhibition "Digital Art Works. The Challenges of Conservation" at the ZKM | Media Museum. [more]

[At ZKM_Lecture Hall | Wed Nov 30, 2011 | 6 p.m. | admission free]


÷ New Realease :: Elmgreen & Dragset. Trilogy ::

"Elmgreen & Dragset. Trilogy" is the most comprehensive monograph on the Scandinavian artist duo Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset to date. The trilogy of projects "Celebrity − The One & the Many" at the ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art (07.11.2010−27.03.2011), "The Welfare Show" as well as "The Collectors" are published here in detail for the first time in numerous, full-page color illustrations. "Elmgreen & Dragset. Trilogy" is not a catalog, it’s an extensive reader on current social and art-related issues, prompted by Elmgreen & Dragset’s work, but going way beyond a mere documentation of their installations. Edited by Andreas F. Beitin and Peter Weibel, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2011, 29,80 € (at ZKM-Shop).

[The publication is available here]


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