Ambiguity of a categorical sort has three possible outcomes: we resolve the ambiguity by incorporating the problematic case into our habitual canons --this solution is conservative; we revise or replace our canons --this is radical; or we suspend judgement and live with the ambiguity (i.e., we leave it unresolved and manipulate mutually exclusive canons at will or as the occasion demands: this is opportunist). A & L is opportunist.

-> Ambiguity 9, 13, 14, 16; Art, work of 54; Blik 75; Categorical scheme 82; Certainty 84; Learning 212, 213; Opportunism 249; Opportunist A & L 251; Problematic 283; Proceeding 291; Work 404;

& Alternatives 1; Ambiguity 15; Art, work of 52; Context 104; Falsification 131; Heuristic 158; Ideology 174; Opportunism 247, 248, 250; Problematic 285; Radical 303; Work 384;

245 | 246 | 247