Can the use of statements from, say, philosophy by A & L be seen as pragmatizing those statements according to the life -conditions of A & L members?

-> A priori 26; Art enquiry 46; Categorical scheme 82; Context 95, 96, 100, 101, 107; Conversational matrix 116, 117; Heuristic 135, 136, 141, 147, 148, 153; Philosophy 261, 267; Pragmatics 278; Proceeding 293; Work, pragmatics of 408;

& Ambiguity 3; Falsification 132; Formalization 133, 134; Ideology 173; Lebenswelt 217, 218; Pragmatics 276; Work 394; Work, pragmatics of 407;

276 | 277 | 278